Simplify Your Taxes Today.

Save time and money on your taxes.

No more tax calculations manually.

Tax Calculations made simple

Instant portfolio updates

Enter your wallet addresses to keep track of the assets you have in real time.

automated transaction grouping

We analyze and group your transactions during the tax year to calculate gains and losses during the tax year.

tax report generation

In seconds, we generate legal-compliant tax reports and provide guides for you on filling out the forms.

keep your funds SAFU

Type in your wallet addresses and see the results straight away. No wallet connection needed. Funds SAFU.

why deTax?

We know how complex it could be when it comes to calculating the taxes of your crypto investment. We are committed to make the best crypto tax calculation service. Leave the work for us, and save your time to discover more alphas on chain.

We are committed to provide the best tax calculation service

Sign-up for our beta testing program to help us improve and reap the benefits of being an early contributor.